System Instruments
E5270B / E5260A
High-precision modular SMU Unit for use in automatic testing.

With semiconductor characterization and testing of electronic modules, many tasks are routine jobs. Test sequences of new components, as well as production samples, are routinely examined in large numbers regarding various different electric parameters. These tasks require no measurement instruments with complex graphical user interfaces. A simple interface which supports remote control by a PC is sufficient. The evaluation and visualization of results is also handled by the PC. Keysight offers two powerful, modular SMU Units for integration into automatic testing systems – the E5270B and its smaller counterpart, the E5260A. bsw AG will gladly answer any questions you might have regarding integration; if required, we can provide customized comprehensive solutions, including the related software.
E5250A / B2200A / B2201A
Switching matrices simplify measurements on complex semiconductor test structures.

In semiconductor development and during scientific research on semiconductors, complex test structures with many connections are often required. Special switching matrices are used to connect these test structures to measuring equipment, which is often a scarce resource. It is not recommended to use normal general purpose scanners or multiplexers for this task, since these have no sufficient shielding, and it is possible that their internal leakage currents will mask lower current values during the off state of a semiconductor. Keysight semiconductor matrices have special "guarded" measurement paths which ensure that not even the smallest signals are lost. These matrices can be used as system components in an automated test system, but also together with a Keysight B1500A parameter analyzer. bsw AG will gladly advise you regarding the benefits of a switching matrix for your specific measuring task and will find the optimum solution for your requirements.